Thursday, November 12, 2009

Utah Grizzlies vs Las Vegas Wranglers Post Game 11/12/09

Sadly, we figured this was coming. But hopefully, Colley can turn it around again like they did with Idaho last weekend.

We actually took notes during the game this time, but our rather fiesty pet decided to unplug the computer before we could save the document. (Yes, we realize that we are fools for not saving throughout the game). And since the Grizzlies didn't make it to the scoreboard, the gamesheet doesn't tell us much. But what we have is below.

The official post game is up at for something a bit more comprehensive. Also, check out the ECHL gamesheet online.


We missed the first Vegas goal due to technical difficulties with the B2 Network.
Apparently, it was just 50 seconds into the game.
1-0, Vegas.

If that wasn't a preview of how the rest of this would go down, we don't know what would be.

There was a double high sticking penalty on Vegas.
4 minutes in the box for some Wranglers joke.
Our feed started in the middle of that.

We heard Perry shed blood.

Grizzlies can't capitalize.

And just out of the box, Vegas scores again.
Sloppy goal, but it counts.
2-0, Vegas.

There were some other Vegas penalties.
Grizzlies can't capitalize.

We actually had some really great notes.
But now we're pissed that they're gone.
And we can't remember anything else that happened in this period.

End of first. 2-0, Vegas.

First Intermission: Haggin goes one-on-one with Gannon. The interview is at the Grizzlies podcast center. It sounds like a lot of the boys are gamers . . .


Boys go on the power play early in the first.

Kotsy has a mini-fight and goes to the box.
We think if he'd gotten in an additional fight later, it would have changed the momentum again.

Some stuff from the 2nd:
We know that we commented on Vlady's awesome checks.
We know that we applauded Kinasewich's clear after he was knocked down.
We know that both Perry and Caria were stealthy.

But we can't remember when any of this happened.
Just that it did.

Late in the 2nd, Caria picked up a penalty for holding.
Sixsmith joined him 30 seconds later for boarding.
5-on-3. Killed dead.

Kotsy gets a penalty for roughing.

There was a lot of really rough and scrappy hockey played at the end of the second.
It was awesome to watch.

Parker made some pretty glove saves.

But about this time, we're just wishing for one goal.
Not even the win.
Just one goal.

However, we don't think we're going to see it.
Ouzas and the Wranglers are pretty much on fire.

End of second. 2-0, Vegas.

Second Intermission: We didn't really listen to the recap. We opted to watch Camera Ready and other crap on YouTube.


Grizzlies get an early power play opportunity.

It's cut short when Shea picks up a penalty for hooking.

We love our boys, but we're kind of starting to lose interest . . .

Grizzlies have another power play opportunity.

Vegas gets another goal.

Grizzlies get another power play.

Defense is doing an amazing job of breaking up rushes, plays, and anything that comes their way.
More scrappy hockey.

Vegas empty netter.

4-0, Vegas.

We had no stars of the game.
So, who cares about the stars of the game.
Not us.


Well, we just have this to say, boys:

u play liek toal n00bs. (Gaming joke - sorry, had to throw that in there.)

Just kidding. We're still behind you, Grizzlies.

The boys had their good moments and bad. We're not too troubled by it - every team has their wins and losses. And we're far from jumping off of the Grizzlies bandwagon and dying from dysentery on the Oregon trail.

Colley and Curcio have shown us that they can turn the team around from a bad loss in short order. And honestly, we don't even feel like this was a BAD loss. It just seems like they boys couldn't get any good bounces. More a frustrating loss than anything.

The Grizzlies have another chance tomorrow to take care of business.

So, let's get it done.

Go Grizzlies!

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