Saturday, November 21, 2009

Utah Grizzlies vs Las Vegas Wranglers Post Game 11/20/09

What a win.

It's nice to see the boys prove they can still play a mean game without their top two scorers.
I mean, we knew they had it in them. We just didn't know if they did.

Multiple point nights for Hunter and Perry; first game, first goal for Parnham; and deadly special teams on the power play (3/5) and PK (0/4). Not to mention the awesome penalty shot by Vlady at the end of the game or O'Keefe's shut out.

And all of this in front of a 9000+ crowd. Nice.

The official Utah Grizzlies post game is up at their site, the gamesheet at, and our song and dance is below.

PreGame Introductions: Pack the House, indeed! We didn't take as many pictures because we were behind the netting. Anthem pictures:


30 seconds in Pavli gets into a fight.
We're thinking this is going to be a wild game.

As soon as Pavli's out of the box, Gannon picks one up for high sticking.
1:36 later, Bartley joins him for tripping.
5-on-3 with two of our blueliners in the box.

But the boys kill it with style.

Both teams are looking pretty good in the 1st.
Vegas started out strong, but the Grizzlies start to control the game about halfway through the period.

Vegas gets a penalty.
Grizzlies waste no time capitalizing.
N00b Parnham gets the goal on the power play. 1-0.
First game, first goal.
We're starting to like this kid.

Points on the assists to n00b Hughes and n00b Beljo.
We didn't know Beljo would be able to play.
But we're glad he is.
Kotsy plays some defense.

Nearing the end of the 1st, May knocks one in.
But they don't count it. Rude.
High stick on the puck.

End of first. 1-0, Grizzlies.

First Intermission: Little kids play hockey. Adorable.


Vegas takes an early penalty.
And May makes up for his uncounted goal. 2-0.
Points to Hunter and Perry.

The only bad thing about this period, is that we were sitting behind the Grizzlies' net.
The puck rarely came down our way.

Dale was all over the ice.
Everywhere the puck was, Dale was.
Awesome shifts from this kid.

The boys dominated this period.
Seriously. 18 SOG to Vegas's 3.
Ouch, Vegas.

We know we haven't said enough about our blueliners so far this year.
They're pretty incredible.
And their play kind of says it all.

Late in the 2nd, Grizzlies get another power play opportunity.
And Hunter buries it. 3-0.
Points to Maxwell and Hunter on the assists.

Both Perry and Hunter just picked up multipoint nights.
O'Keefe in goal.

Vegas gets another penalty at the end of the 2nd.
Grizzlies will start the 3rd with 1:24 left in it.

End of second. 3-0, Grizzlies.

Second Intermission: Ummmm . . . here's a picture of the crowd.


Vegas came out with a vengence.
At first we wondered if Utah would keep up.
We stopped taking pictures at this point and opted to watch the game.

Utah started out with a partial power play.
Vegas was pretty amazing at chasing the Grizzlies down in their own end.

Vlady had some amazing shifts.
Grizzlies get another power play.

Vegas is starting to pick things up, but it's too little too late.
Grizzlies are back on their game.

Then, Brooks goes to the box for Interference.
Joni had a few strokes, but . . .

Hughes follows shortly after for hooking.
Killed beautifully.
Vegas had no chance on this one. They couldn't even keep it in.

Then, as Vegas is setting up a shot, Vlady swoops in.
Vlady's tripped on the breakaway.
Penalty shot.

Vlady buries it. 4-0.
You could see it going in before he even shot it.
Ouzas had no chance. Which is the perfect theme of the game.

4-0, Grizzlies.

Stars of the Game
1. O'Keefe with the shutout
2. Hunter with one goal, one assist
3. Perry with two assists.


Nice to see the n00bs holding their own. We had a hunch that Parnham would get a goal in this game, we just didn't realize it would be the first one.

We need to pay attention to the lines tonight so we can make some new fantasy lines. We've got at least 3 new faces to work with and we're not familiar with their methods yet. However Colley and Curcio set them up last night was pretty sweet by us - no complaints here. We love the idea of a Kotsy-somebody-Pavli line, we just need to figure out a third person. for that.

Kind of administrative, but we know our comments are messed up on the page. We're working on fixing that. Sorry. :(

That's all for now.

Go Grizzlies!

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