Sunday, December 6, 2009

Angel's Hands Foundation Jersey Auction

After the game last night, the boys auctioned off their jerseys for the Angel's Hands Foundation. The Utah Grizzlies website reported that:

$14,300 was raised for the Angel’s Hands Foundation in a post-game jersey auction of the Grizzlies game-worn specialty jerseys.

Not bad. Here's the breakdown of what each jersey went for.
  • Grizzbee, MVB - $400
  • Jake Gannon - $400
  • Vic Bartley - $450
  • Evan Kotsopoulos - $575
  • Ryan Kinasewich - $700, re-sold for $600 ($1300 total)
  • Bobby Hughes - $425
  • Jason Dale - $400
  • Shea Guthrie - $775, re-sold for $700 ($1475 total)
  • Tom May - $600
  • Matt Clarke - $325
  • Dustin Friesen - $400
  • Hugo Carpentier - $375
  • Mark Pavli - $1300, re-sold for $1000 ($2300 total)
  • Evan Stoflet - $450
  • Jadran Beljo - $425
  • Chris Brooks - $350
  • Tim Maxwell - $475
  • Brett Parnham - $450
  • AJ Perry - $600
  • Vlady Nikiforov - $500
  • Dylan Hunter - $525
  • Mitch O'Keefe - $725
  • Parker Van Buskirk - $550

And of course we have pictures for anyone that missed it.

Kinasewich with the fan that won his jersey.

Pavli strikes a pose. Apparently, it worked. $2300 for Pavli's jersey.

May tries the Pavli pose . . . or mocks it. Whichever.
We were laughing, anyway. But so was May.

Beljo skates off to meet his buyer after he sold. But we really wish we could have gotten a picture of his reaction to the bidders saying he was hot.
We didn't know if he wasn't sure how to take the compliment or if he was worried about getting razzed later.

Dale helps auction off Hughes jersey. We're not sure where Hughes was, but nice job, Dale - way to hold a jersey, man!

At least the boys had a little fun with the auction after the OT loss. We actually love when they're having a good time. It makes for good candids.

Keep it up, boys.

For more information on the Angel's Hands Foundation, check out their website.

Go Grizzlies!

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