Saturday, December 5, 2009

Utah Grizzlies vs Idaho Steelheads Post Game 12/5/09

Such a hard loss.
The first overtime loss of the year.

But the boys played well, and from the post game interview, it sounds like Colley was happier with the way they played this weekend than the last. The Grizzlies made some amazing defensive plays as well as doing a terrific job on the offense. And we don't even know where to begin with O'Keefe's killer saves. The boys were on their game for a full 60 minutes against Idaho and got the regulation tie and point.

Hugo Carpentier made his debut tonight with the Grizzlies. Carpentier joined the boys from Abbotsford, the Grizzlies' Calgary AHL affliate. And already, he's picked up an assist in his first game with Utah. Not bad. This is a name we're not going to be able to pronounce for a while yet, so we'll probably just end up calling him Hugo.

After the game, there was a jersey auction to benefit the Angel's Hands Foundation, but we'll cover that in a separate post.

So, for the official post game summary, click here. For the ECHL gamesheet, go here. And our post game summary is below.

PreGame Introductions: Anthem picture.

Ceremonial Angel's Hands Foundation puck drop.


Some solid play this period.
Vlady, May, and Hugo at work.

Utah opened it up about halfway through the 1st with a power play goal.
Shea gives the Grizzlies the starting lead. 1-0.
Points to Hugo and Parnham on the assists.

Kotsy gets in a fight straight from the faceoff at center ice.
Our initial reaction is to cheer, so sometimes our reflexes with the vids and pics are a bit slow.
However, it was a pretty short fight.
But we'll post what we got of it.

We'll keep checking to see if Idaho posts the full fight on their site.

Later, Gannon gets a penalty for holding.
Faceoff in the Grizzlies' end.
Penalty killed.
Kotsy gets tossed out of the faceoff.
End of first. 1-0, Grizzlies.

First Intermission: Kids play hockey. Adorable.


We've noticed that the Grizzlies seem to have a bit of a lag at the start of their 2nd periods.
However, they generally pick it up about halfway through.

Utah still dominated this period with SOG.
But the Steelheads were the ones getting the goals.

Grizzlies got the first power play opportunity of the second.
But they can't capitalize.
Idaho ties it. 1-1.

Then Utah gets another power play.
But May negates it with a penalty of his own.
He goes to the box for holding.

Kotsy got slammed in Idaho's zone by two different Steelheads.
Ouch. But no call on it.
Idaho makes the save.

With just over a minute left in the 2nd, Idaho scores.

End of second. 2-1, Steelheads.

Second Intermission: There's something about an oversized check . . .

For more on the Angel's Hands Foundation, visit their website here.


O'Keefe gets warmed up.

Utah gets the first penalty of the 3rd.
Bench minor for Too Many Men, served by Beljo.

But Idaho negates their power play with a tripping penalty.

Snatch ties it up shortly after the penalties with a sweet shot down the middle.
Clark and Perry pick up the assists on that.
Hugo goes to the box for holding.
Collision against the boards.

Some great plays by both teams during this period.
O'Keefe minds the net.
But regulation ends in a tie.

End of third. 2-2.


This was the harshest.
Because the Grizzlies were on the PK.
And it was a beautiful PK.

Hats off to Perry, Maxwell, Gannon, Bartley, Snatch, and Friesen.
Because you all rocked the kasbah.

But 5 seconds after the Grizzlies are back at full strength, Idaho ends it with a quick goal.
Man . . .

3-2, Steelheads.

Stars of the Game:
2. Kinasewich
3. Guthrie

2 out of 3 is still pretty damn good.


We don't know what happened over the last week, but Kinasewich was killer on the defense this weekend. Snatch battled for the puck every time he was on the ice, threw the checks, pressured Idaho incessently, and played awesome PK shifts. This makes us incredibly happy (and we're sure Colley was happy about it, too).

But wait, there's more! Snatch is back as the top scorer in the ECHL today with 33 points in 21 games. Nice. We really couldn't ask for more. You da man, Ryan!

There was an auction after the game to benefit the Angel's Hands Foundation. We'll put the pictures and whatnot up in a separate post.

Go Grizzlies!

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