Friday, December 4, 2009

The Mysterious Case of Justin Dacosta

When we went to the game last Saturday night, we noticed a new name on the roster - Justin Dacosta. He was listed as a defenseman. We didn't know who he was, but whatever. Guys come in and out of here all the time.

Dacosta never made it into the lineup that night, which was probably a blessing for him considering the way the game went. For all we know, he could have not even been in the state. Honestly, we've managed to block most of that game out of our memories, except for things like the guy getting arrested, and Vlady getting two penalty shots on one play. (He missed both, of course.) So we had mostly forgotten about Dacosta until we saw this on the ECHL's website:

Delete Justin Dacosta, D released pursuant to Playing Rule 47

That was on November 29th, one day after the game. We looked up Playing Rule 47 - it's all about fighting. Since he didn't even play in the game, that made no sense.

Maybe he was the guy getting arrested.

On Tuesday, December 1st, we see this:
Add Justin Dacosta, F signed contract, 11/30
Delete Justin Dacosta, F traded to Stockton

So... he switched to forward, signed a new contract, and then was traded? We looked up his original transaction to Utah from November 28th:

Add Justin Dacosta, D signed contract 11/27

So the Grizzlies originally signed him as a defenseman, released him because of the fighting rule (???), then re-signed him as a forward and traded him to Stoctkon.

Anyone else lost?

Today, we see this:
Add Justin Dacosta, D traded from Utah

Either this guy is flexible in what position he plays, the ECHL website has something wonky going on, or there are two different Justin Dacostas.

Or there's another explanation we haven't figured out yet.
We totally don't get the business side of hockey.

Go Grizzlies!

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