Thursday, December 3, 2009

Utah Grizzlies vs Ontario Reign Post Game 12/2/09

So, Grizzlies win.
But 40 minutes of this game was all Ontario.

Seriously. Utah gave up 3 goals within the last 3 minutes of the game. And if you look at the SOG for the 2nd and 3rd period, Ontario had twice as many as Utah. Ontario's Hogeboom, who's name sounds like a Harry Potter character, got a (magic) hat trick and tied the game late in the 3rd.

Talk about negating an amazing 1st period.

We're not even sure how to approach this one. All of the europhoria we felt after the first period dissipated halfway through the 2nd. Fortunately, Maxwell was there in OT to save the day.

It wasn't all bad for the Grizzlies. Kinasewich had 4 assists, Vlady had 3 assists, Hunter had 2 goals, and Perry, Bartley, and Parnham all had multipoint games. Utah had 7 goals in total for the night with 22 SOG and 5 of those goals occurring in the 1st period.

For the official post game, check out the Utah Grizzlies' site. The official gamesheet is up at, and our rant is below.


We knew we would come out strong, but we didn't expect this.
5 goals in the 1st period.

Hell, we're just going to list them and call it good since Ontario only had 2 SOG in the 1st.

Clarke opens it up on his first night back in the line.
Assists to Bartley and Kotsy.

Parnham picks up his 4th of the year.
Kinasewich and Perry with the assists on that one.

Hunter's first goal of the night.
Snatch's second assist of the night.

Hunter's second goal.
Assists to Snatch and Perry.

May gets his 7th of the season.
Guthrie and Vlady pick up the assists.

Oh, and May got in a fight somewhere in there, too.

Other than the lackluster hits, the Grizzlies looked like they were an AHL team competing against Ontario.
Not. Even. Kidding.


End of first. 5-0, Grizzlies.


Apparently it doesn't take much to upset the Grizzlies momentum.
Winning will do it.


Ontario comes out strong.
3 goals in 3.5 minutes.
And one of those was a penalty shot.

What the hell happened?

Bartley gets one to stop the bleeding.
Parnham and Vlady get the assists on that.
But this is no where near the team we saw in the 1st.

End of second. 6-3, Grizzlies.


We're not even going to talk about this period.
Except . . .

Ontario = awe-inspiring.
Even if you hate them, any team that can come up with 3 goals in the last 3 minutes of a game is impressive.
Utah's defense crumbled.

We looked around the internet for some video footage of this but can't find any yet.
If anyone knows where we could find it, comment or email us.

What a rally for Ontario.

End of third. 6-6.


We're sure by this point, Colley was already carving stakes for heads and the boys knew it.
Losing really wasn't an option.

Utah gets a power play, and Maxwell gets the game winner.
Points to Vlady and Snatch on the assists.

7-6, Grizzlies.

Stars of the Game
1. Maxwell
2. Hunter


So, we were complaining to ourselves that we didn't say enough about our blueliners last week, and now we've got mixed reviews.

3 of the 7 goals were from Utah defensemen: Clarke, Bartley, Maxwell.
Which means our defensemen are amazing offensively.

However, 3 goals were allowed in the last 3 minutes of the 3rd.
What exactly does that say about our blueliners defensively?

We'll leave that to Colley and Curcio.

To a solid win on Friday.

Go Grizzlies!

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