Tuesday, October 26, 2010

News: With three you get eggroll?

Utah might have a long drought ( 3 weeks?!?) before another home game, but the Grizzlies at least gave us some news. 2 rookies were added to the roster, Kevin Deeth and Tyler Ruegsegger. That's an awesome name to try and pronounce: Ruegsegger. Go ahead, say it outloud. Why do picture of hockey players always look kind of like mug shots?

What do you do with a 6'5" 225-pound man? Sign him with the Grizzlies. Nick Tuzzolino spent the previous two seasons with the Alaska Aces. Their loss, our gain?

Did anyone notice Denny was missing from the game on October 23rd? Denny received a major penalty for boarding and game misconduct during the game on the 22nd. Not really news now since he already missed his game. Let's not have any more of those, ok?

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