Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pink in the Rink 2010-11 Jersey Auction

Another Pink in the Rink game, another pink jersey auction.

The Utah Grizzlies website reported that "Nearly $12,000 was raised to fight breast cancer following the team’s live post-game pink jersey auction." Nicely done, boys.

Auction Photos -

Captain Gannon is first up.

The other boys mill around waiting for their turn on the auction block.

Tim Crowder and Brad Stensinger hang out in the back.

Paul Crowder up for auction.

More milling about - Carpentier is up next.

Tim Crowder waits for his picture with a fan.

We also tried to get a clear shot of Brock heckling the bidders, but to no avail. And no classic GQ shots like we captured of Captain Kinasewich last year, but still some fun pictures.


Natalie Passey said...

I loved this years jerseys!! So good looking!!

Britany said...

Definitely preferred this year's pink jersey to last years.