Monday, November 8, 2010

The Life of Riley

We're very happy to report the Grizzlies picked up 3 out of 4 possible points in the standings this weekend against the Las Vegas Wranglers. This moves them up to second in their division with 12 points, right behind Alaska who has 14.

The Grizzlies did this without their captain, Jake Gannon, who was loaned to Peoria of the AHL on Friday and left early that morning. We'll definitely miss him, but as always, we wish him the best of luck with the Rivermen.

Joining the Grizzlies this weekend was Riley Armstrong, which we were very excited about. Seriously, two of us were at an NHL game in Phoenix when we got the news, and we probably cheered over that louder than we cheered for the previous goal. Those of you who followed us last year may remember us being fans of Armstrong when he was with Abbotsford, and we're very happy to have him here in Utah. Now we actually have a reason to follow him on twitter.
In other Riley news, Riley Emmerson has been placed on 3-day IR as of November 6th. No news on whether or not he'll be in the line-up for Wednesday's game at Bakersfield. Check out the Grizzlies' official website for more information on the last leg of the road trip.

1 comment:

Sunkist PTA said...

Yeah, we really did cheer pretty loud when we found out Riley was playing.