Denny was joined by Matt Clarke, Marcus Carroll, and Matt Sorteberg for the hour show. The broadcaster and the boys discussed the upcoming series against Alaska, Marcus Carroll's linemate Donovan, and the different styles of their netminders Engelage and Lamoureux. We've picked out some random highlights to comment on.
Matt Clarke is vying for Chief Nicknamer. Clarke admitted one of his past times was trying to make different nicknames stick for the boys. His current goal is to get Marcus Carroll dubbed "Baby Marcus," and apparently he had a "good one" for Sorteberg last season, which Sorty pretended not to remember. (Can't blame you, Sorty.) But as nicknames come and go, we're sure Clarke will have his work cut out for him.
Denny and the boys went over the league as well commenting on Condor Tordjman's suspension, and former Grizzly Vandermeer's psychotic moments during a game against Las Vegas. We've commented on these already in previous posts, so we won't go into detail here. Denny, however, was excited to ask the Wrangler's head coach how Vegas managed to NOT score on a 10 minute power play. Ouch . . .
The talk of hullabaloo around the league eventually gravitated toward the professionalism of the Grizzlies, prompting Clarke to state that he believed in the addage: "Look good, feel good, play good" and admitting he liked how he looked in a suit, so the dress code was okay by him. We actually can't believe we don't have a picture of Clarke in a suit, but look at that pose!

They ended by quizzing Sorteberg in which we learned that Sorty did a promo for recycling that they still show in Idaho, Matt estimated Denny as commentating 800 games (it's only 400), and that the Grizzlies' bus driver's name is Paul. Marcus Carroll for the assist on the last question!
Next Grizzlies Live broadcast is on November 30 at 7pm.
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