Denny was joined by Riley Emmerson and Kevin Deeth for Grizzlies Live on Tuesday.

On Tuesday, the boys stated that they haven't shown anyone that they could play at home. But a couple of games later, they've definitely started to improve on their home record. In discussing the home record, Deeth stated "Anytime you can pick up wins on the road, it builds momentum for the rest of the season." And we feel that's what has finally started happening on home ice.
Adrian and the boys discussed both Stockton and Ontario. Denny asked Kevin Deeth what it was like on the ice during the Stockton game as it seemed like a bit of a riot situation from the press box. Deeth summed it up adequately, "[It was] kind of a circus with the Hunt brothers running around trying to rip your head off. But I just tried to ignore it and play."
Adrian then asked Emmerson his opinion on the Stockton team, who he played with last season. Riley related that he grew up with the Hunt brothers and they were good guys off the ice, but completely different when they laced up the skates. "I remember one game we were playing and Garrett was just screaming at the top of his lungs, trying to get someone to fight him. I skated over to him and said, 'Garrett, play hockey.'"
Denny made the comparison between fan bases and their teams; Utah's fans come late, it takes them a while to get into it, and they don't get stressed until the 3rd period or 4th quarter, which parallels the way the teams play. In making the comparison to Stockton, Adrian stated "It seems like both the team and the fans are still trying to learn hockey and are more into the physical side of play." Riley piped up with a chuckle, "I don't know anyone in Stockton is actually trying to learn it."
Adrian turned to asking the boys about their hometowns, Riley about Abbotsford (but he was born in Burnaby - shout out to RW!) and Kevin about Gig Harbor. Denny quizzed Deeth about a local teen from Gig Harbor who'd stolen a plane recently. Kevin responded, "Well, I don't know everybody and there's more than one stoplight . . ." We laughed.
The boys and Adrian also discussed Kevin Colley and the impact he has on the team. Emmerson relayed, "[Colley] is a very smart coach that relates to the players and how they react just because he used to play and he knows what it's like."
The show ended with another round of ADD: the Game Show which was backed by Atari music . . . Really, that's all we remembered about it - the Atari music.
Next broadcast of Grizzlies Live is January 11 at 7:00pm.
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